Its updated fairly regularly. Yesterday on Nov 1st, I was able to do a few little things for myself. After shooting Master Classes with members of the Orchestra, I went to get a little bit of a hair cut and had a great conversation with Gerard. He agreed to sit for a photo.
Its updated fairly regularly. Yesterday on Nov 1st, I was able to do a few little things for myself. After shooting Master Classes with members of the Orchestra, I went to get a little bit of a hair cut and had a great conversation with Gerard. He agreed to sit for a photo.
Dude, the photos look great. I imagine you have a ton more too.
Can't wait to hear/see all about it!!
Ottawa is lame, stop missing it!! ;)
Gerard is cool cat. He has a conservative exterior (black turtleneck, cream pants, brown shoes) hiding a flamboyant personality (salmon red socks). Cool!
Just checked out the NAC site. You're doing a great job Kenn - fantastic images! Plus, you've been doing personal work!?!... guess you haven't been sleeping much.
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