Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Firsts.

This was my first B&W nude. I personally prefer photos that don't show the naughty bits. I shot this in front of an 8 foot softbox. At the time we were using Nikon's d70. I blame it for the blown out highlights. This image is of the same shoot. I tried to mimic an early morning sunlight.
The following is an image I prepared as a mock up for an independent fashion magazine called "Prestige: Canadian Fashion Magazine." It was rejected for photo of a local "celebrity. " I'd like to put the blame on that, for the magazine not putting out a second issue. I did a 5 page spread in the magazine for a local designer. (I will post those images once I get her permission) It was my first publication.
Here's a link to the site. There you can see the cover they chose instead.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blast from the past

This is a scan I found from first year. It was actually one of the first prints I made in College. 2003 was it? A lot has happened. I still think of how exciting it was to play around in a studio a few times a week. I'm looking to have a few personal projects on the go this summer. I'm very interested in collaborating with other creative minds. With the amount of creative people I know, it's amazing how Ottawa is still not recognized as a place for artists. Any ideas welcome.